Friday 9 September 2011


Todays blog title is drama!!!! not the drama class where we act and have lots of fun but im talking of the daily drama in school.  this is big school and there is lots of drama.  Ive seen girls crying over thier bfs cheating on them or dumping them or just being stupid. ive seen guys getting all angry and tuff about things. its so funny watching and listening to all of this.  a guy and girl date for 2 weeks then break up. a month later the guy dates the girls friend and the 1 st girl freaks out and has a big fit in the middle of the school over it.  shes calling this girl all kind of names and stuff.  what i find interesting is the guy doesnt get the blame at all.  very interesting.  with all the drama at school I think there should be awards at the end of the year for the best drama queen and stuff. 


  1. Sounds about the same as my school i think people should stop being so public bout everything cuz they freak out at school then they go and freak out on fb and twitter its rlly dumb

  2. tell me about it!!! this is one thing I will not miss on fb is all the drama
