Wednesday 12 October 2011

Face Book!!!!!!!!

So after a long long time i have my face book back.  my mum and dad sat me down after school and went over some rules about it. first off I had to delete lots of friends.  if i dont know them that well they have to go.  i went from almost 300 down to 121.  plus we set up my securaty so no one can just come and look at my wall and deleted a bunch of pics.  so im pretty happy that its back i had fun creeping all my friends walls and stuff.  yippy!!!!!! and the best part is jack isnt getting back on face book for a long time hahahahahahahahaha serves you right little brudder
i had a good time in school today and the sun came out too so it makes for a fun day. 
im really really really excited for saturday, its going to be so fun


  1. Hey Janaya!
    So.......why are you so excited for Saturday?...

  2. i dont know tyler can you guess ?

  3. Kool u got fb back and I thought I'd let u know I am too playing rizzo in my drama classes play of grease hav fun with the play
