Monday 2 January 2012

2011 a year in review

Happy New year everyone!  welcome to 2012 a year that is going to be so good that we will all be praising God in it.  
2011 wuz a year of changes, challenges and lots of fun.  starting in jan where my family brought in the new year in whistler what  a fun night that wuz.  i celebrated my 15th bday and went out to dinner with my family and 3 of my friends .  this last year wuz busy with me coaching  7/8 yrs olds in gymnastics and with dance compitions. i continued learning the cello which i started to learn in 2010 and made the youth worship team playing keyboards and singing.  i moved into a bigger bedroom with a double size bed, painted in the purples and blacks that i picked out.  my family went to florida to disneyworld for spring break. we also spent a week camping in the summer.
also in march wuz sad when we had to put our 16 yr old cat down because she had cancer :( 
i joined tylers band in the spring and that has been a blast even if we have no time lately to get together with it.  
i had to make the decision to change schools for my grade 10 yr it wuz a hard one but i wanted to be in a school that offered more of the arts.  it wuz a challenge doing this as i had to say goodbye to some of my closest friends and then deal with the challenges that come from public school.  
youth has been so good, we went to history maker in may and we were challenged back in Sept to draw closer to God and to hear his voice.  its been pretty exciting to sit with my bible, journal and worship music and ask God what does he want me to read today and he leads me.  plus to hear why he has lead me in that.  its also been awesome hearing God while im praying in tongues..the spirit leads me to who i should be praying for. im learning to listen to the spirit for direction in my life and setting goals.
another challenge and also very exciting is tyler and me have started dating.  the challenge is keeping it pure and honest and setting boundaries.  its exciting because i love him .  im thankful to our youth leaders and our parents who have been listening to us and guiding us in this.
a huge challenge even though its exciting has been me getting the part of rizzo in grease. being new at the school i didnt think i would get a big part.  the challenge is the time we need to put into this play plus being in the orchestra had made my life busy too.  
and then christmas wuz just a week ago and wuz very good and new years even wuz lots of fun with our church families getting together.
now what will 2012 bring????
well i know my birthday is in 3 weeks :D and i know the next few weeks i will be very busy with extra long play practices, 5 days a week until 5 pm wow so busy lol. its all good though all good. 
God bless everyone who reads this may 2012 bring you lots of love laughter and friends
A Big Cheerio to you all


  1. Happy new year! And it sounds like you had a fun 2011 hope 2012 is good

  2. Hi Janaya this is Carey here, I'm very impressed with your blog. God is doing some major things in your life and I'm excited to see you sold out for Him. I know the next few weeks will be busy for you but I know God will give you the strength to get through it. Blessings to you

  3. thanks carey that means so much to me. see you tomorrow night
