Tuesday 6 December 2011

one dozen rules for facebook

my friend hanna and me are in class and we are discussing facebook and that there needs to be a rule book so we have come up with some rules for face book.
1) the privacy settings: make sure you have them set because you dont want some 50 year old creeper checking out your photos are stuff.
2) info section:  its probably not the smartest thing to put where you go to school, what city you live in and when you will be away .  
3) status updates:  it's good to come up with a witty status and one that brings a smile or joy to someone.  status that have fml should not be allowed or the ones that go ... and the ones where you rant about your parents all those are a big no no.
4) status up dates 2:  your status really only needs to be updated about once a day or even less.  really if you want to update it every hour or so then get twitter.
5) your status up dates should not be about what you are eating, watching or going to the bathroom......really?
6) dont write a bloody book as your status if you want to write something like that get blogger
7) dont write personal stuff on your friends wall.  if you have something private to say to them pravate message them or call them.
8) if you are pissed off at someone dont go spredding it all over face book trust me you will prob get over it and forgive them faster
9)relationship status: if you are a couple who breaks up and gets back together over every little battle dont be putting in your relationship on and off or if your the type of person who has a ton of relationships a year honestly leave it off of face book it makes you look like a fool and we make fun of you behind your back
10)pitures:  enough with the pictures in the bathroom mirror where we can see the toilet in the back ground!  also enough of those pictures where you squint your eyes it gives me a headache. also put only the good pictures on face book we dont want to see your botched up ones
11) friends:  really? you have over 1000 friends?  if you dont know the person dont add them honestly it could be some creeper just getting info from your face book.
12) be kind...remember every friend can see your face book so dont go around hurting others.


  1. d Tyler likes this

  2. I think most of those are reasons why I don't have facebook anymore! Things like that always made me mad, so I left it! :)
