Thursday 15 March 2012

Worship practice

some spring break we are having. yesterday we had some snow and its been so cold and so wet.  i wish spring break wuz in april or that we could have gone away somewhere hot this year.  anyway im still having lots of fun despite the weather.  yesterday carly wuz over and we had tons of fun and today im going out with my friends.  last night wuz our worship bible study and practice.  it wuz sso good.  our pastor talked about radical worship and drawing deeper into his presence. then we played.  instead of singing worship songs that we all knew at church we only started to play our intruments.  we were to just play and let the holy spirit lead us.  at first it sounded awkward but after a while we harmonized and it wuz sounding really good.  then we were told to start singing in the spirit to the music.  again at first we were sounding strange but then we were harmonized.  we did this for quite a long time then you could hear a wind and the holy spirit wuz there, you could feel him, smell him and hear him.  omg this wuz amazing, we got louder and louder and then we got quieter and were intructed to put down our intruments and lie on the floor and stay quiet.  things got interesting then.....its so hard  to explain some of us had visions, some were taken to other places in the spirit and others God just loved on.
God is so amazing


  1. Last night was amazing!!!!!!!!!
    I can't wait for youth Sunday.

  2. wow. I love the anointed presence of the Holyspirit.
