Thursday 22 March 2012

Shoppin with My New Friend

so today I went to coquitlam center and met up with my blog pal Caitlin Moon Whisper :D it wuz so much fun. we just basically walked around aimlessly and did nothing but talk the whole time :P and we have so much in common its great we talked a bunch about the hunger games and we found a store selling a bunch of hunger games stuff and we both bought t shirts caitlin got a girl on fire cuz shes katniss and i got one with the mockingjay pin on fire oh and we found the mockingjay pins as well and i got one of those too lol and when we were walking back up from the food court my friend matt walked up behind me and grabbed me and said what are you doing lol that wuz a little terrifying me and caitlin were like oh crap whose there haha so funny so yea i introduced matt to cailin but i dont think he relized its blog caitlin. anyways it wuz such a great day.

caitlin in claires lol describing you in one word is definetly crazy not ax murderer crazy more awesome crazy
oh and caitlin ill email you the other pics
this is me getting ready this morning :)
and im sorry caitlin i deleted the one of me and you it wuz a tragedy lol


  1. Hahaha Matt is over here and so he's seen this. He's finally figured out which Caitlin he's met today. Oh and btw he says Caitlin is cute. Actually he said to me tonight that he saw you, Janaya, at the mall and you were with a cute girl. I asked him if her name was Caitlin? He was like, " Hey yea!" I laughed, I told him that you can set them up.
    So are you two bff?

  2. LoL Tyler.....haha I find this really entertaining and yea we are like totally bffs ♥
    Janaya I loved shopping yesterday it was so fun! I wanna do it again soon maybe our next break from school we could? Oh and don't forget May the Odds be EVER in your Favour :P Aren't you so excited about the movie and I forget are you going tomorrow night as well?

  3. I see you two are on Facebook now. And yes I'm excited for the movie , we are going to see it tomorrow night. Have fun, I have a feeling you will be blogging all about it...
