Thursday 14 June 2012

study study study sigh...

so school is kind of over for me.  but we do have finals next week.  for the last couple of days ive been reviewing and studying.  some subjects i know i will do fine in well others...
last night at bible study we did some worship and tyler wuz on drums.  ive seen him play a bit of drums when we are playing music but i have not seen him play drums  during worship before.  he did a really good job. he can play bass guitar too and is great at that. 
i wish it wuz warm so we could go up to the lake, our youth will be having their bbq party up there in a week so it better be nice.
anyways thats all for now


  1. Hey Janaya!
    wow is it sad that you've basically finished school? I've never really thought about how I would feel...good luck with your finals and everything! I'm sure you'll do well. xxxxx

  2. hi ej! its not sad i will miss my friends but i still have 2 more years left of high school.
